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151 |
| Grace McIntyre (1824-1904) Death Certificate
152 |
| Grace McIntyre 1824-1904 - Birth Record
Owner of original: FindMyPast.com
153 |
| Hannah Herbert 1840-1865 - Birth Record
Owner of original: John Watson, Jr.
Date: 1 Jul 2014
154 |
| Hannah Topham (1825-1885) Grave Site Status: Located;
Owner of original: http://www.namesinstone.com/ViewMap.aspx?graveId=1157476
40° 46' 29.870, 111° 51' 38.410
155 |
| Hannah Topham 1825-1885 - Birth Record
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
156 |
| Hannibal Octavias Fullmer 1837-1909 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
157 |
| Hariett Frances Noon 1829-1912 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: Ancestry.com by angiesullivan70
158 |
| Hazel Watson (1885-1950) - Death Certificate
159 |
| Heber C Kimball, Jr. 1928-1928 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
160 |
| Heber Lacelle Cummings 1858-1936 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
161 |
| Heber Parley Kimball 1835-1885 - Military Record
Owner of original: familysearch.org
162 |
| Helen Mar Kimball 1901-1948 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
163 |
| Henry Smith Tanner 1869-1935 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
164 |
| Homer Manley Brown 1854-1936 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
165 |
| Horace Heber Kimball 1854-1922 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
166 |
| Hugh Watson (1854-1910) Death Certificate
167 |
| Hyrum Heber Kimball 1855-1943 - Obituary Lethbridge Herald (Alberta Canada) - 5 Jun 1943 - Page 6
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
168 |
| Inger Maria Caspersen (1852-1942) Death Certificate
Owner of original: Utah Death Certificate Index
169 |
| Iowa State Census - 1905 - Pottawattamie - Council Bluffs - Page 3
170 |
| Iowa State Census - 1915 - Pottawattamie - Council Bluffs - Record 14705
171 |
| Isaac Alfonzo Kimball 1847-1912 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
172 |
| Isabella McGhie (1859-1916) - Death Record
Owner of original: Familysearch.org
173 |
| Jack Harbaugh Freeman 1908-1968 - Texas Death Certificate
174 |
| Jacqueline Crane (1917-1921) - Death Certificate
Owner of original: Familysearch.org
175 |
| James Allen Brown 1911-1924 - DeathCertificate
176 |
| James Coles & Ann Windmill - Marriage Record Birmingham, England, Marriages and Banns, 1754-1937 about Ann Windmill
Name: Ann Windmill
Gender: Female
Marriage Date: 25 Aug 1793
Marriage Place: Birmingham, St Martin, Warwickshire, England
Spouse: John Coles
Spouse Gender: Male
Reference Number: DRO 34
Archive Roll: M110
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
177 |
| James Cowan 1786-1833 - Death Record Please note that the 68 is not an age. I appears to be for funeral expenses.
Owner of original: ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk
178 |
| James Cowan Watson (1844-1906) - Obituary - Deseret News - 17 Nov 1906 PATRIARCH JAMES C WATSON
Whose Funeral Will Take Place Tomorrow From the Pioneer Stake Hall,
Beginning at 12:30 O’Clock P.M.
It has been decided that the funeral of ex-Bishop James C. Watson will
be held from the Pioneer stake house as It was found that the Sixth ward
chapel would be entirely too small to accommodate the many friends who
desire to attend the services. The hour of 12:30 Sunday has been named
as the time for commencing the obsequies. The building In question Is on
Fifth South, between West Temple and First West streets.
Bishop Watson had many friends not only In the Sixth ward, where he
was connected with the bishopric for a period of twenty-five years, eighteen
of which he served as bishop, but throughout the entire city and elsewhere in
the state. He was but six years old when he came with his parents to Salt
Lake, and for 54 years he was a familiar figure upon the streets of this city.
From 1871 to 1889 he was a night watchman for the city, and as such his ac-
quaintances became very numerous and he was held In high esteem by all
who chanced to know him.
In his own ward, Bishop Watson was especially beloved. He often visited
the homes of the people over whom he presided, particularly the afflicted and
the poor. Of a cheerful and sunny disposition himself he carried brightness
and hope to those whore lives were darkened and he held a warm place in
the hearts of these, as he was esteemed by persons whose lot was more pleas-
ant and propitious.
Owner of original: Deseret News
179 |
| James Cowan Watson (1844-1906) - Obituary - DeseretNews - 13 Nov 1906 Bishop Watson Dead
After A Long Illness He Succumbs to Diabetes This Morning
A stalwart honored citizen of Salt Lake passed to his eternal rest at 10:30 when Bishop James C Watson breathed his last. It was known to his friends that he had been a very sick man for many months, but the news of his departure will be a painful surprise to acquaintances not in the vicinity of his home. The cause of death was diabetes.
As long ago as last April it became apparent that Mr. Watson's health would not permit him to longer assume the duties of bishop of the Sixth ward, and he was honorably released from that position, and was ordained a patriarch. For 25 years he had been connected with the bishopric of the ward mentioned, the last 18 of which had been spent as its head.
James C. Watson was born at Newarkhill, Scotland. Set. 4, 1844. In the fall of 1850 he came with his parents to Utah, and this was his home thereafter. He was a man very large physically weighing in his prime not less than 250 pounds, and he was also of large heart and brain. Ever jovial and good natured, he was well thought of by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. He was particularly popular with the members of his ward, and his death will be regretted by many also who were not members of the Church.
Bishop Watson is survived by a large family, 20 children and a great many grandchildren and many other relatives. The time and place of funeral will be announced later.
Owner of original: Deseret News
180 |
| James Cowan Watson (1844-1906) Death Certificate
Owner of original: Utah Death Certificate Index
181 |
| James Cowan Watson, Jr. (1866-1945) - Utah Death Certificate
182 |
| James Dunn (1837-1923) Death Certificate
Owner of original: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=99492&PIpi=17458675
Date: 9 Jan 1928
Place: Tooele, Tooele, Utah, USA
183 |
| James Livesey & Anne Wood - Marriage Record West Yorkshire, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1512-1812
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
184 |
| James Madden Dunn (1870-1943) - Death Certificate
Owner of original: Familysearch.org
185 |
| James Palmer (1820-1905) Death Certificate
186 |
| James Palmer (1820-1905) Elder Certificate
187 |
| James Palmer (1820-1905) Obituary - Deseret News 18 Oct 1905, Page 11
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| James Palmer, Jr. & Mary Ann Price - Marrige Certificate Certification of marriage by George J Adams
To all Whom it May Concern
This to certify that Mr James Palmer and Wife Maryann Price, Where this Day Joined by me , in Holy Bonds of Matrymony according to the law of Nations and the Order of the Church of God. May the Almighty Preserve them Blameless until the End and Save them in his Glorious and Eternal kingdom for Christs Sake Amen--
Liverpool March 12th, 1842 George J Adams/Minister of the Gospel
Owner of original: Ancestry.com by nancyar1945
189 |
| James Ruy
Owner of original: Ancestry.com
190 |
| James S. Brown (1828-1902) Veteran Burial Record
Owner of original: beta.familysearch.org
191 |
| James Stirling 1744-x - Birth Record
Owner of original: ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk
192 |
| James Stirling 1795-1826 - Birth Record
Owner of original: ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk
Date: 7 Sep 2013
193 |
| James Stirling Dunn - 1837-1923 - Birth Record
Owner of original: ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk
194 |
| James Tanner Brown 1863-1942 - Death Certificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
195 |
| James Willard Cummings (1819-1883) Grave Site Status: Unmarked; There is no headstone, but I have located the site. Please look at Hannah Topham's headstone, and James is immediately to the West of her next to the large headstone.
Owner of original: John Watson Jr.
40° 46' 29.870, 111° 51' 38.410
196 |
| James Willard Cummings Obituary - Deseret News May 23, 1883
Owner of original: javascript:pop2('citation.php?CISOROOT=/deseretnews3&CISOPTR='+citationUrl(),'400',%20'150')
197 |
| Jane Knowlton 1867-1940 - DeathCertificate
Owner of original: familysearch.org
198 |
| Janet Hair 1769-? - Birth Record
Owner of original: ScotlandsPeople.gov.uk
Date: 3 Sep 2013
199 |
| Janet Watson (1859-1917) Death Certificate
200 |
| Jean Fraser (1837-1926) - Death Certificate
Owner of original: Ancestry.com by TINAWEBB81